Monday, May 04, 2009

Fifth Mindfulness Training

Looking back at the blog, I realize that I never posted the 5th of the Five Mindfulness Trainings. Here it is for your contemplation:

The Fifth Mindfulness Training
Aware of the suffering caused by unmindful consumption, I am committed to cultivating good health, both physical and mental, for myself, my family, and my society by practicing mindful eating, drinking, and consuming. I will ingest only items that preserve peace, well-being, and joy in my body, in my consciousness, and in the collective body and consciousness of my family and society. I am determined not to use alcohol or any other intoxicant or to ingest foods or other items that contain toxins, such as certain TV programs, magazines, books, films, and conversations. I am aware that to damage my body or my consciousness with these poisons is to betray my ancestors, my parents, my society, and future generations. I will work to transform violence, fear, anger, and confusion in myself and in society by practicing a diet for myself and for society. I understand that a proper diet is crucial for self-transformation and for the transformation of society.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Workplace Practice

"We can begin creating a "workplace Sangha" by practicing love and understanding with co-workers - seeing each person as a beloved brother or sister. We can embody the mindfulness practice in our relationship with them by practicing flower-watering in our daily interactions. We can practice walking meditation every time we move through a corridor.

If possible, we can sit, walk, or eat mindfully together with one other person during our breaks. Some people put a screen saver on their computer to remind them to stop and return to their breathing. Others have introduced the bell of mindfulness and telephone meditation practices into their workplaces, and have even found a way to set aside time during staff meetings."

Excerpt from "Friends on the Path" by Thich Nhat Hanh