Saturday, April 14, 2007

Fourth of the 14 Mindfulness Trainings

I have been absent from the past couple of sangha gatherings, but the schedule has continued as usual.

This past Wednesday, April 11, we sat and walked for the first hour, then continued our discussion of the 14 mindfulness trainings. This week we look at:
Awareness of Suffering

Aware that looking deeply at the nature of suffering can help us develop compassion and find ways out of suffering, we are determined not to avoid or close our eyes before suffering. We are committed to finding ways, including personal contact, images, and sounds, to be with those who suffer, so we can understand their situation deeply and help them transform their suffering into compassion, peace, and joy.

This week we will attempt to experience the suffering around us, and not look away when faced with the suffering of others. Also, we are reminded that when faced with difficult emotions or situations, to use the power of mindfulness to calm us and bring us back to the present moment.

Third of the 14 Mindfulness Trainings

Freedom of Thought
Aware of the suffering brought about when we impose our views on others, we are committed not to force others, even our children, by any means whatsoever—such as authority, threat, money, propaganda, or indoctrination—to adopt our views. We will respect the right of others to be different and to choose what to believe and how to decide. We will, however, help others renounce fanaticism and narrowness through compassionate dialogue.